The Holistic Society & The Gift of Life Community Home


About Dr. Henderson

I am a woman of many hats 🧢

  • Mother, Wife, Army Veteran
  • Naturopathic Doctor (by degree)
  • Certified Health Coach
  • Board Certified Sexologist
  • Cannabis Professor
  • Chaplain focused of the gospel according to “God” in ONE Military Sorority and Auxillary
  • Author of:
    - Teen Pregnancy Before, During, and After!
    - The Holistic Guides to Your Ailment ebooks with cannabis strain recommendations

What's a fun fact about you that most people don't know?
"I'm in love with wellness because I have Multiple Sclerosis and I'm on no traditional medicines."

Dr. Henderson's Businesses and Services

The Holistic Society

Naturopathic Dr. & Certified Holistic Cannabis Coach
"Finding you herbs and supplements is my job, by way of Bio Quantam scans, detox, nutritional needs, spiritual healing, sex education, and fitness coaching."

See below/next section for special discounts on Dr. Henderson's scans and coaching.

Gift of Life Community Home

Founder & Director
"Helping families learn healthy lifestyles to prevent disease in underprivileged communities; Veteran suicide prevention mentorship; Food pantry; Social Services; Natural hair specialist; Credit repair specialist; and more."

Become a member for $10/mo. and receive unlimited phone consultations.

Atlanta Academy of Cannabis Science

Director; Lab Instructor
"The first Cannabis school in GA. Now offering training for dispensary technicians, medical, instructor certifications, Cannabis accounting courses, Lab testing and cultivation specialist. We offer referrals for potential patients."

Call or visit the site below.

Special Discounts From Dr. Henderson

Total body bio quantam scan with full results:
Normally $250. Wello Works members receive $50 off. General Public receive $40 off.
6 month health & wellness coaching
Normally $1,500. Wello Works members $1,200.
6 month sexual education coaching:
Normally $1,500. Wello Works members $1,200.
6 month credit & financial coaching:
Normally $1,500. Wello Works members $1,200.

What are your favorite parts about Wello Works?

Atmosphere: A calming, welcoming environment focused on wellness, which can be refreshing and inspiring for members.

Community: You often find a community of like-minded individuals who value health and well-being. This creates opportunities for networking, collaboration, and mutual support.

Resources: Access to equipment and facilities that support diverse wellness activities, from yoga and meditation to nutrition workshops, can be incredibly valuable.

Holistic Approach: These environments often promote a holistic approach to health, which can include physical, mental, and emotional well-being. They offer alternative therapies or workshops that aren't typically covered by traditional insurance.

Support for Business Owners: For entrepreneurs, Wello can offer resources and opportunities to grow their businesses, connect with potential clients, and learn from others in the field.

Overall, people are drawn to holistic wellness spaces like Wello Works for the support they provide in living a healthier, more balanced lifestyle while contributing positively to their business and personal growth.

Want to Connect with Dr. Henderson?